Mostly, when it is necessary to refer for standards for conducting laboratory works, field works or design, Malaysian civil engineer will refer British Standard.
However, two important by-laws that are related to civil engineering work, clearly stated that Malaysian Standard should be referred, instead of British Standard.
1.Uniform Building By-Laws (UBBL) (1984)
257. In these By-laws where there is any reference to the British Standard Specifications or British Code of Practice and there is, whether on the date of the coming into operation of these By-laws or subsequently, a corresponding Malaysian Standard Specification or Malaysian Code of Practice in respect of that subject, the Malaysian Standard Specification or Malaysian Code of Practice shall be deemed to have superseded the British Standard Specification or British Code of Practice respectively and shall be deemed to apply.
2.Earthworks By-Laws (EBBL)
Unlike UBBL, EBBL is not uniform, as any local authority can make their own EBBL. In case for State of Kedah, they have decide to have uniform law for the whole state in Undang-Undang Kecil Kerja Tanah (Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan Negeri Kedah) 2016.
” Jika ada dikeluarkan suatu Tataamalan Piawaian Malaysia yang bersamaan selepas mula berkuatkuasanya Undang-Undang Kecil ini, maka ia hendaklah menggantikan British Standards Code of Practice mengenai hal perkara yang sama dan hendaklah dipatuhi: Dengan syarat bahawa ia tidak menyentuh pelan dan spesifikasi yang telah diluluskan di bawah British Standards Code of Practice atau kerja tanah yang dijalankan di bawahnya. “
Table below shows equivalence between British Standard/Eurocode and Malaysian Standard:
British Standard / Eurocode
Malaysian Standard
BS 1377-1:2016
Methods of test for soils for
civil engineering purposes. General requirements and sample preparation
MS 1056-1:2005 (Confirmed:2013)
Soils For Civil Engineering Purposes – Test Method – Part 1: General
Requirements And Sample Preparation (First Revision)
Soil Laboratory
BS 1377-2:1990. Methods of test
for soils for civil engineering purposes. Classification tests
MS 1056-2:2005
(Confirmed:2013) Soils For Civil Engineering Purposes – Test Method –
Part 2: Classification Tests
Soil Laboratory
BS 1377-3:2018. Methods of
test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Chemical and electro-chemical
MS 1056-3:2005
(Confirmed:2013) Soils For Civil Engineering Purposes – Test Method –
Part 3: Chemical And Electro – Chemical Tests
Soil Laboratory
BS 1377-4:1990. Methods of test
for soils for civil engineering purposes. Compaction-related tests
MS 1056-4:2005 (Confirmed:2013)
Soils For Civil Engineering Purposes – Test Method – Part 4:
Compaction-Related Tests
Soil Laboratory
BS 1377-5:1990. Methods of test
for soils for civil engineering purposes. Compressibility, permeability and
durability tests
MS 1056-5:2005 (Confirmed:2013)
Soils For Civil Engineering Purposes – Test Method – Part 5: Compressibility,
Permeability And Durability Tests
Soil Laboratory
BS 1377-6:1990. Methods of test
for soils for civil engineering purposes. Consolidation and permeability
tests in hydraulic cells and with pore pressure measurement
MS 1056-6:2005 (Confirmed:2013)
Soils For Civil Engineering Purposes – Test Method – Part 6: Consolidation
And Permeability Tests In Hydraulic Cells And With Pore Pressure Measurement
Soil Laboratory
BS 1377-7:1990. Methods of test
for soils for civil engineering purposes. Shear strength tests (total stress)
MS 1056-7:2005 (Confirmed:2013)
Soils For Civil Engineering Purposes – Test Method – Part 7: Shear Strength
Tests (Total Stress)
Soil Laboratory
BS 1377-8:1990. Methods of test
for soils for civil engineering purposes. Shear strength tests (effective
MS 1056-8:2005 (Confirmed:2013)
Soils For Civil Engineering Purposes – Test Method – Part 8: Shear Strength
Tests (Effective Stress)
Soil Laboratory
BS 1377-9:1990. Methods for test
for soils for civil engineering purposes. In-situ tests
MS 1056: Part 9:2005 Soils For
Civil Engineering Purposes – Test Method – Part 9: In-Situ Tests
Soil Laboratory
BS 5930:2015. Code of practice for
ground investigations
MS 2038:2006 Site
Investigations – Code Of Practice
Geotechnics –Site Investigations
BS 6031:2009. Code of practice for
MS 1754:2004 (Confirmed:2015)
Earthworks – Code Of Practice
Geotechnics – Slope stability
BS 8004:2015. Code of practice for
MS 1756:2004 (Confirmed:2015)
Foundations – Code Of Practice
Geotechnics – Shallow and deep
BS 8002:2015. Code of practice for
earth retaining structures.
Not Available
Geotechnics – Earth Retaining
MS EN 1990:2010 (National Annex)
Malaysia National Annex To Eurocode – Basis Of Structural Design
BS EN 1990:2002+A1:2005. Eurocode.
Basis of structural design.
MS EN 1990:2010 Eurocode – Basis
Of Structural Design
Geotechnics – Slope stability, Shallow
and deep foundations, Earth Retaining Structures
MS EN 1997-1:2012 (National Annex)
Malaysia National Annex To Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Designs – Part 1: General
BS EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013.
Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design. General rules
MS EN 1997-1:2012 Eurocode 7:
Geotechnical Design – Part 1: General Rules
Geotechnics – Slope stability,
Shallow and deep foundations, Earth Retaining Structures
MS EN 1997-2:2016 (National Annex)
Malaysia National Annex To Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design – Part 2: Ground
Investigation And Testing
BS EN 1997-2:2007. Eurocode 7.
Geotechnical design. Ground investigation and testing
MS EN 1997-2:2015 Eurocode 7:
Geotechnical Design – Part 2: Ground Investigation And Testing
Soil Laboratory
Geotechnics –Site Investigations
- Uniform Building By-Laws (UBBL) (1984)
- Undang-Undang Kecil Kerja Tanah (Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan Negeri Kedah) 2016